is the question that came to my mind when reading this entry BuzzMachine » Blog Archive » Size doesn’t matter: The distributed media economy by Jeff Jarvis. I don't know the answer but would guess it's challenging to say the least. To reach, engage and convince potential customers to buy from you - or in the context of a destination - visit you, is now so different than in the past that it defies the old measurement tools used, even the recent ones introduced only a few years ago in the early days of the web.
I guess it comes down to relevancy as one key element. If what you offer is relevant to whoever it is you try to reach, it will find resonance, gain attention and at best action will be taken by the recipient. This can be in the form of an actual visit but hopefully even more by the spreading of the impressions about it to many others. This type of "sneezing" has been made much easier than ever before and is the positive side of the equation.
2007 will be another interesting year for all marketers and I wish everyone of them success and fun in working in this exciting environment.
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