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February 29, 2008


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Mims Wright

I'm staying in one of those this week "da winna...."; the Ritz Carlton, Berlin for ITB. I'm waiting for them to over-deliver. So far, so good. Except my room wasn't ready until 5 PM. And, oh yeah...they delivered coffee this morning and forgot the cream and sweetener. Ooops..."be right back." Half an hour God, they delivered!

They should take sugar and cream for granted with coffee.

Mims Wright

I'm staying in one of those this week "da winna...."; the Ritz Carlton, Berlin for ITB. I'm waiting for them to over-deliver. So far, so good. Except my room wasn't ready until 5 PM. And, oh yeah...they delivered coffee this morning and forgot the cream and sweetener. Ooops..."be right back." Half an hour God, they delivered!

They should take sugar and cream for granted with coffee.

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