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« Seat Guru for Hotels | Main | Marketers still don't understand social networks »

November 25, 2008


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Juha Huttunen

Although I knew most of the companies already it was interesting to see them pitch, even though I had to watch it on video as I wasn't on the spot. Many of the interesting startups out there couldn't probably afford the high cost of the competition and weren't present.

The companies that are nowadays so easily categorised to "travel planning" are so very different in their value proposition and execution that it is really interesting to see which approaches will succeed and which won't. None of the companies mentioned here are doing the same thing as the next. The same could be said about our company TripSay.

Let's also remember that online travel planning has been out there for a long time. Just look at TripAdvisor. If the companies above are "planning" then TripAdvisor is definitely so too. Thus I don't think that "planning" is a good category to put everyone into. A bit more specific categorization would be great to come up with. Anyone? :)

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